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Kentucky Department For Public Health
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Mean Pre-Mitigation Radon Level
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Air Quality
PM2.5: Annual Average Concentration (Monitor Only)
PM2.5: Annual Average Concentration (Monitor + Modeled Data)
PM2.5: Percent of Days over Air Quality Standard (Monitor Only)
PM2.5: Percent of Days over Air Quality Standard (Monitor + Modeled Data)
O3: Number of Days over Air Quality Standard (Monitor Only)
O3: Number of Days over Air Quality Standard (Monitor + Modeled Data)
Age-adjusted Rate of Emergency Department Visits for Asthma
Age-adjusted Rate of Hospitalizations for Asthma
Crude Rate of Emergency Department Visits for Asthma by Age Group
Crude Rate of Hospitalization for Asthma by Age Group
Number of Emergency Department Visits for Asthma
Number of Hospitalizations for Asthma
Birth Defects
Prevalence of Anencephaly
Prevalence of Cleft Lip with Cleft Palate
Prevalence of Cleft Lip without Cleft Palate
Prevalence of Cleft Palate without Cleft Lip
Prevalence of Gastroschisis
Prevalence of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Prevalence of Hypospadias
Prevalence of Limb Deficiencies
Prevalence of Spina Bifida (without Anencephaly)
Prevalence of Tetralogy of Fallot
Prevalence of Transposition of the Great Arteries
Prevalence of Trisomy 21
Built Environment
Percent of Households with No Internet Access
Percent of Land Used for Agriculture
Percent of Land Used for Development
Low Income and Low Food Access
Childhood Lead Poisoning
Age of Housing
Climate & Weather
Annual Number of Extreme Heat Days
Annual Number of Extreme Precipitation Days
Percent of Weeks a County was in a Drought (1980-present; SPEI)
Total Number of Tornadoes (1986-present)
Annual Average Dose of UV Radiance (Joule Per Square Meter)
Age-adjusted Rate of Emergency Department Visits for COPD
Age-adjusted rate of Hospitalization for COPD
Crude Rate of Emergency Department Visits for COPD by Age Group
Crude Rate of Hospitalization for COPD by Age Group
Number of Emergency Department Visits for COPD
Number of Hospitalizations for COPD
CO Poisoning
Age-adjusted Rate of Emergency Department Visits for CO Poisoning
Age-adjusted rate of Hospitalization for CO Poisoning
Crude Rate of Emergency Department Visits for CO Poisoning
Crude Rate of Hospitalization for CO Poisoning
Number of Emergency Department Visits for CO Poisoning
Number of Hospitalizations for CO Poisoning
Drinking Water
Annual Mean Concentration of Arsenic
Annual Mean Concentration of Haloacetic Acids
Annual Mean Concentration of Nitrate
Annual Mean Concentration of Total Trihalomethane
Annual Number of People Receiving Water from Community Water Systems
Heart Disease & Stroke
Age-adjusted Rate of Hospitalizations for Heart Attack
Crude Rate of Hospitalization for Heart Attack
Number of Hospitalizations for Heart Attack
Heat-Related Illness
Age-adjusted Rate of Emergency Department Visits for HRI
Age-adjusted Rate of Hospitalizations for HRI
Crude Rate of Emergency Department Visits for HRI
Crude Rate of Hospitalization for HRI
Number of Emergency Department Visits for HRI
Number of Hospitalizations for HRI
School Immunizations Survey
Kentucky Immunization Registry
KYWSS: Respiratory Virus Tracking
Annual Number of Major Effect Illnesses from Pesticides
Annual Number of Minor Effect Illnesses from Pesticides
Annual Number of Moderate Effect Illnesses from Pesticides
Annual Number of No Effect Illnesses from Pesticides
PRAMS Dashboard
Maximum Pre-Mitigation Radon Level
Mean Pre-Mitigation Radon Level
Median Pre-Mitigation Radon Level
Reproductive & Birth Outcomes
Infant (<1 Year of Age) Mortality Rate
Neonatal (<28 Days of Age) Mortality Rate per 1,000 Live Births
Perinatal (>=28 Weeks Gestation to <7 Days of Age) Mortality Rate per 1,000 Live Births and Fetal Deaths
Postneonatal (>=28 Days to <1 Year of Age) Mortality Rate per 1,000 Live Births
Percent of Very Low Birthweight (<1,500 g) Live Singleton Births
Percent of Very Preterm (<32 Weeks Gestation) Live Singleton Births
Male to Female Sex Ratio at Birth Multiplied by 1,000
Total Fertility Rate per 1,000 Women
Average One-Way Commute Time (Minutes) for all Travel Modes
Rate of Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes Per 100,000 Population
Percent of Workers Greater Than 16 Years of Age that Used Public Transportation (Excluding Taxi Cabs)
Mean Pre-Mitigation Radon Level
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