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The Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) Program at the Kentucky Department for Public Health provides information and data about how the environment affects human health. Use this website to answer questions about air quality, drinking water, cancer, and a wide variety of other topics.


Updated Topics Section

Updated Topics Section

Kentucky Tracking has recently added additional content pages to our topics section.  These updates include information pages on new topics, as well as CDC embed maps that have a varying granular geographic data.  New topics pages include the Built Environment, Transportation and Pesticides.  New maps were also added for the Climate and Weather topic.

View KY Tracking Topics Section
KYWSS Respiratory Virus Tracking Dashboard

KYWSS Respiratory Virus Tracking Dashboard

The Kentucky Wastewater Surveillance System (KYWSS) recently created a dashboard that regularly reports on wastewater viral activity in Kentucky. The KYWSS dashboard displays Wastewater Viral Activity Level (WVAL) for Covid-19, Flu A and RSV. Data are presented as maps displaying sewer sheds with each site's most recent week's WVAL as well as state and regional graphs showing a history of WVAL changes. 

View the KYWSS Respiratory Virus Tracking Page
Updated Tickborne Disease Storymap

Updated Tickborne Disease Storymap

Kentucky Tracking in partnership with the Reportable Disease Section of KDPH has updated the Tickborne Disease Story Map. This product contains an overview of tickborne diseases in KY, focusing on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, and Lyme Disease. It also includes information on prevention methods, tick removal, and how to submit a tick to the University of Kentucky Department of Entomology.​

View the Tickborne Disease Storymap
